Friday, 12 June 2009

Foto Visum Luka Manohara

foto visum luka MANOHARA
foto visum luka MANOHARA
The forensic report, and hospitals Cipto Mangunkusumo Mun'im Idris ensure results vise Visum Manohara Odelia Pinot can be used as the basis of the charges alleged.Now,'foto visum luka Manohara' was outspread in internet forum.

"Results of Visum Manohara Odelia Pinot could be evidence of legitimate," said Mun'im via telephone (10 / 6).This fact, he said, in accordance with Article 187 B KUHAP points of the letter from an expert can be a material claim.

From the results of the report that, Mun'im ensure the Manohara of persecution that occurred in a few months ago.Persecution, the word Mun'im, has now become a scar shaped line that tens spread intersect each other at many points on the body Manohara.

Manohara has reported seven people including her husband, Tengku Mohammad Fakhry, for alleged acts of violence terhadapnya.

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